一旦得救永远得救是谎言(finalcall07)Once Saved Always Saved IS A LIE
2023-02-20 15:05:55
一旦得救永远得救,是人们愿意相信的一个谎言,因为它给了人们虚假的安全感。许多人做了一个认罪的祷告,并向耶稣承诺,余生会跟从并顺服他。然后,他们相信自己已经得救了,就再也没有跟从耶稣,也没有顺服耶稣,他们背弃了耶稣,是因为他们相信自己已经得救了。 没有人已经得救,只有到最后才见分晓。耶稣说:“惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。 ” 如果我们一直跟随耶稣并持续地服从他,直到我们生命的尽头,我们才会得救。 有人问耶稣得救的人是不是很少?耶稣说:“你们要努力进窄门。我告诉你们,将来有许多人想要进去,却是不能。”很少有人能忍耐到底,很少有人跟随耶稣到最后。我们必须跟随耶稣一直到底。 耶稣说:“手扶着犁向后看的,不配进神的国。”如果我们跟从耶稣之后,又渴望回到从前满足自我、服侍自我、犯罪的生活中,如果我们爱这个世界的事,那我们不配做耶稣的门徒,也不能进入天国。 “一旦得救永远得救”是根本不存在的。这是一个彻底的谎言。许多人都发过婚誓说:“至死不渝,永不分离”,但今天这些发誓的人很少有人一起生活到最后。如果我们没有跟从耶稣与他同行一直到底,那我们也不会和他一同进入永恒。 我们的救恩取决于我们和耶稣的关系。我们和他相遇的那一天,这段关系就开始了。而这段关系的好坏决定了我们是否能与他一起度过永恒。如果我们没有紧跟他的脚步,我们没有亲密的认识耶稣,那他将会对我们说:“我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧!” 我们只有每天与耶稣同行,才能真正的认识他,而且要与他在一起一直到底。 耶稣永远不会离开我们,也不会撇下我们,因为他是信实的。但如果我们离开他,如果我们否认他,背弃他,他不会挽留我们,他会让我们走,但到我们生命结束,我们站在他面前时,他会对我们说:“我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧!”我们要与耶稣在一起,忍耐到底。当我们站在他审判的宝座面前,书卷被打开时,我们会根据书卷里面所记载的内容被审判。我们的书卷会是什么样子?在我们的书卷里,我们与耶稣的关系是怎样的呢?因我们与他一起忍耐到底,我们的行为能证明我们与耶稣的关系吗,能证明我们对他的爱吗,能证明我们对他的顺服吗?
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    2023-02-21 07:57:07
    没有人已经得救,只有到最后才见分晓。这是异端的道理。你还是别发了!不怕自己受神的咒诅!得救的地位永不失落。圣徒永蒙保守。不需要靠 行为维持。得救的生活也是圣灵引导。全是恩典。
    2023-02-20 19:58:11

    Understanding Trading Strategies

    A trading strategy includes a well-considered investing and trading plan that specifies investing objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, and tax implications. Ideas and best practices need to be researched and adopted then adhered to. Planning for trading includes developing methods that include buying or selling stocks, bonds, ETFs, or other investments and may extend to more complex trades such as options or futures.

    Placing trades means working with a broker or broker-dealer and identifying and managing trading costs including spreads, commissions, and fees. Once executed, trading positions are monitored and managed, including adjusting or closing them as needed. Risk and return are measured as well as portfolio impacts of trades and tax implications.

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     The longer-term tax results of trading are a major factor and may encompass capital gains or tax-loss harvesting strategies to offset gains with losses.

    Developing a Trading Strategy

    There are many types of trading strategies, but they are based largely on either technicals or fundamentals. The common thread is that both rely on quantifiable information that can be backtested for accuracy. Technical trading strategies rely on technical indicators to generate trading signals. Technical traders believe all information about a given security is contained in its price and that it moves in trends.

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     For example, a simple trading strategy may be a moving average crossover whereby a short-term moving average crosses above or below a long-term moving average.

    Fundamental trading strategies take fundamental factors into account. For instance, an investor may have a set of screening criteria to generate a list of opportunities. These criteria are developed by analyzing factors such as revenue growth and profitability.

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    There is a third type of trading strategy that has gained prominence in recent times. A quantitative trading strategy is similar to technical trading in that it uses information relating to the stock to arrive at a purchase or sale decision. However, the matrix of factors that it takes into account to arrive at a purchase or sale decision is considerably larger compared to technical analysis. A quantitative trader uses several data points—regression analysis of trading ratios, technical data, price—to exploit inefficiencies in the market and conduct quick trades using technology.

    Special Considerations

    Trading strategies are employed to avoid behavioral finance biases and ensure consistent results. For example, traders following rules governing when to exit a trade would be less likely to succumb to the disposition effect, which causes investors to hold on to stocks that have lost value and sell those that rise in value. Trading strategies can be stress-tested under varying market conditions to measure consistency.

    Profitable trading strategies are difficult to develop, however, and there is a risk of becoming over-reliant on a strategy. For instance, a trader may curve fit a trading strategy to specific backtesting data, which may engender false confidence. The strategy may have worked well in theory based on past market data, but past performance does not guarantee future success in real-time market conditions, which may vary significantly from the test period.

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