大能和精确的祷告||Pray with power and precision
2021-02-23 15:21:10

原创 Spiritual Waimai  属灵外卖  昨天


In the Spirit

On all occasions

With specific requests 

With a heightened sense of alertness and awareness

For God’s people 


When we are spiritually blind, life can be similar to my friend’s – bumping into things resulting in pain and going the wrong direction in life. Fortunately, my friend got the eye salve he needed in the form of an amazing cornea transplant and now his eyes are as good as new.  If your spiritual eye is blinded, you do not see what God is doing in the world and how you can participate. You may become blind to your own short comings or even God’s truth. Your perception becomes skewed and unfortunately that incorrect perception of the world becomes your reality. Jesus calls for you to buy eye medicine to heal your eyes so you can correctly perceive the world and God’s reality.


Where are you directing your eyes these days? Are you looking intently into God’s Word? Or are your eyes focused on entertainment and negative news? Are your eyes focused on gaining the riches of this world, the admiration of others or earthly pleasure, or focusing on God’s hand in your life? The Lord can heal your eyes to see the world as He sees it and to see the amazing things He is doing in your life. You will focus on God’s Word and presence with you and your faith will come alive. 


The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
Matthew 6:22-23 NIV 
马太福音 6:22-23 CUVS
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