2023年2月15日 WarningThePeople
作为一个基督徒,作为耶稣的门徒,我们必须确保在我们生活的时代,我们属于真正的教会,也就是真正的基督的身体。 我们需要吃耶稣的肉,喝他的血。 今天大多数的教会都加入了这场背弃主的大型堕落中。 我们知道,在主的再来之前,也就是主的日子,会有一次宏大的离主叛道,大大的背弃真正的信仰,这就是我们现在所处的日子。 大多数基督教会都在跟随魔鬼,他们没有被圣灵充满,他们没有宣扬圣洁和公义,他们并不是被上帝的灵带领,他们是被自己的先知、自己的教师、自己的牧师、自己的神父带领。 他们遵循人的规条,虽然有看似公义的形式外表,但他们否认了圣灵的能力。 我们需要确保自己与这些错误的组织分开,我们需要确保自己真正属于基督身体!我们真的属于他的身体吗?那是一个属灵的身体,无论羔羊带领着走到哪里,我们都会跟随他? 还是我们属于人手建造的死的宗教? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。
Great Apostacy Before the Return of the Lord As a Christian and as a disciple of Jesus we have to make sure that in the time we are living that we are part of the TRUE church, that is the true body of Christ. We need to be eating Jesus’s flesh and drinking His blood. The majority of churches today are a part of the great falling away. We know that before the return of the Lord happens, that is the day of the Lord, that there will be a great apostacy, a great falling away from the true faith and that is the days in which we are living. The majority of the Christian churches are following the devil, they are not filled with the Holy Spirit, they are not preaching holiness and righteousness, they are not led by the Spirit of God, they are led by their own prophets, their own teachers, their own pastors, their own priests. They follow the precepts of MEN and although they have what appears a FORM of righteousness they deny the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. We need to make sure that we are separate from these false organizations, we need to make sure that we truly are part of the Body of Christ! Are we part of His body, that spiritual body that follows the Lamb wherever He leads? Or are we a part of the brick-and-mortar dead religion? May the grace of Jesus be with you.
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