2023-01-15 12:36:20
最后修改时间:2023-01-15 12:40:45




    1. 真理是一条带子。带子总是一条的,不是一片或一块。表示我们不是只以片断的真理“束腰”,乃应以一贯的、完整的真理作带子束腰。

2. 用真理当带子束腰,表示我们的生活行为要受真理的约束。带子将衣服束起,是便利行动及工作。衣未束带则行动不便,更不便于作战。所以用带子束腰,是战士、仆人、及旅客的服装。信徒的行为若不受真理的约束,便无法与魔鬼作战,更不能在世上事奉神了。

3. 用真理当带子束腰,也表示以真理为行事的能力。腰是一个人用力的中心。武士们都是要束腰的,中国的拳击家更注意腰力。信徒要以真理束腰,才有属灵的能力;我们受真理的约束到什么程度,属灵的能力,也到什么程度。

4. 真理的腰带既是神所赐军装中的第一样,表示信徒对真理的顺服,乃是属灵争战中必修的第一课。是基督精兵的起码训练。正如士兵学开怆,是起码应学的一样。信徒没有顺服真理的心,在属灵争战上,就无胜利可言。



1. 常行公义,爱公义,主持公义,不贪不义,不偏护肉体,不给魔鬼留地步,使它没有机会攻击我们。这公义不单指待人也指待己。有许多信徒对别人的错误既公义且严厉,但对自己的错误,却毫不公义,常偏袒错误,不定罪为罪,为自己的过失掩饰辩护。这就等于不用护心镜遮胸,让魔鬼有机可乘。

2. 要仰仗神所赐的公义胜过魔鬼的控告。神是公义的,“凡行公义之人都是祂所生的”(约一2:29),基督徒得以被神称义,乃因承受了基督的义。正如使徒保罗对腓立比人所说的──“并且得以在祂里面,不是有自己因律法而得的义,乃是有信基督的义,就是因信神而来的义”(腓3:9),所以,虽然我们自己是败坏不堪的,不但经不起魔鬼的控告,甚至也经不起人的指摘。但我们的心仍可向神坦然,因我们不是凭自己的义得救,乃是凭基督的义而得救。基督既已为我们受了罪刑,神按着祂自己的公义,就不能使信祂的人受刑。这“公义”就是我们的“护心镜”,使我们不怕魔鬼的控告。

3. 要向前进,“遮胸”是防备迎面来的敌人,不是防备后面的敌人。所有属灵的军装,也都是为前进而准备的,不是为逃跑准备的,所以我们必须不断前进,前进才有“武器”保护我们,逃跑便没有任何保护了。我们只有护心镜,没有护背镜。

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    2023-01-15 21:26:08

    Beta and Passive Risk Management

    Another risk measure oriented to behavioral tendencies is a drawdown, which refers to any period during which an asset's return is negative relative to a previous high mark. In measuring drawdown, we attempt to address three things:


    The magnitude of each negative period (how bad)

    The duration of each (how long)

    The frequency (how often)

    For example, in addition to wanting to know whether a mutual fund beat the S&P 500, we also want to know how comparatively risky it was. One measure for this is beta (known as "market risk"), based on the statistical property of covariance. A beta greater than 1 indicates more risk than the market and vice versa.


    Beta helps us to understand the concepts of passive and active risk. The graph below shows a time series of returns (each data point labeled "+") for a particular portfolio R(p) versus the market return R(m). The returns are cash-adjusted, so the point at which the x and y-axes intersect is the cash-equivalent return. Drawing a line of best fit through the data points allows us to quantify the passive risk (beta) and the active risk (alpha).


    The gradient of the line is its beta. For example, a gradient of 1.0 indicates that for every unit increase of market return, the portfolio return also increases by one unit. A money manager employing a passive management strategy can attempt to increase the portfolio return by taking on more market risk (i.e., a beta greater than 1) or alternatively decrease portfolio risk (and return) by reducing the portfolio beta below one.

    توصيات الاسهم الامريكية


    Alpha and Active Risk Management

    If the level of market or systematic risk were the only influencing factor, then a portfolio's return would always be equal to the beta-adjusted market return. Of course, this is not the case: Returns vary because of a number of factors unrelated to market risk. Investment managers who follow an active strategy take on other risks to achieve excess returns over the market's performance. Active strategies include tactics that leverage stock, sector or country selection, fundamental analysis, position sizing, and technical analysis.


    Active managers are on the hunt for an alpha, the measure of excess return. In our diagram example above, alpha is the amount of portfolio return not explained by beta, represented as the distance between the intersection of the x and y-axes and the y-axis intercept, which can be positive or negative. In their quest for excess returns, active managers expose investors to alpha risk, the risk that the result of their bets will prove negative rather than positive. For example, a fund manager may think that the energy sector will outperform the S&P 500 and increase her portfolio's weighting in this sector. If unexpected economic developments cause energy stocks to sharply decline, the manager will likely underperform the benchmark, an example of alpha risk.

    توصيات الذهب


    The Cost of Risk

    In general, the more an active fund and its managers shows themselves able to generate alpha, the higher the fees they will tend to charge investors for exposure to those higher-alpha strategies. For a purely passive vehicle like an index fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF), you're likely to pay one to 10 basis points (bps) in annual management fees, while for a high-octane hedge fund employing complex trading strategies involving high capital commitments and transaction costs, an investor would need to pay 200 basis points in annual fees, plus give back 20% of the profits to the manager.

    gold trading strategy


    The difference in pricing between passive and active strategies (or beta risk and alpha risk respectively) encourages many investors to try and separate these risks (e.g. to pay lower fees for the beta risk assumed and concentrate their more expensive exposures to specifically defined alpha opportunities). This is popularly known as portable alpha, the idea that the alpha component of a total return is separate from the beta component.


    For example, a fund manager may claim to have an active sector rotation strategy for beating the S&P 500 and show, as evidence, a track record of beating the index by 1.5% on an average annualized basis. To the investor, that 1.5% of excess return is the manager's value, the alpha, and the investor is willing to pay higher fees to obtain it. The rest of the total return, what the S&P 500 itself earned, arguably has nothing to do with the manager's unique ability. Portable alpha strategies use derivatives and other tools to refine how they obtain and pay for the alpha and beta components of their exposure.


    2023-01-15 12:38:12





    2023-01-15 12:37:03


    1. 行事为人依循福音真理的原则,不走罪恶的道路。罪恶的道路就是危险的道路,福音的道路就是平安的道路。罪恶道路是与神为敌,所以圣经说“恶人必不得平安”(赛57:21),福音的道路是与神和好,就从神得平安。

    2. 所到之处都把福音带给人。让平安的福音像鞋一样穿在脚上,人走到那里,平安的福音也带到那里。随时随地向人讲述福音的好处,引人走平安的路。这是属灵战士应有的脚步。可惜有些信徒,所到之处,不但未把“平安的福音”带给人,反把是非和争端带给人。

    3. 要以传福音为天职。在此既以平安的福音为鞋,则所有的脚步都是福音的脚步。神的旨意不只是要传道人作福音使者,乃是叫一切信徒都应当以“传平安的福音”为当然的职责。一切行事生活都以使福音广传为目标。





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