2022-02-11 09:08:56
   请教:亚拿尼亚是否是得救的,大家怎么看?有没有比较权威的说法?@合羽 我听过一个改革宗牧师说不得救,他说他们夫妻俩不是真的信,而是有个人的目的。


              一,  卖主犹大是肯定不得救的?不信的不能得救。
      约翰福音  6:64 只是你们中间有不信的人。”耶稣从起头就知道谁不信他,谁要卖他。
6:70 耶稣说:“我不是拣选了你们十二个门徒吗?但你们中间有一个是魔鬼。”
6:71 耶稣这话是指着加略人西门的儿子犹大说的;他本是十二个门徒里的一个,后来要卖耶稣的。
  二,  扫罗是不能得救的。圣灵离开。邪灵附体。至死都没有悔改。没有一次认罪的祷告。
  撒母耳记上16:14 耶和华的灵离开扫罗,有恶魔从耶和华那里来扰乱他。



    使徒行传5:3 彼得说:“亚拿尼亚,为什么撒但充满了你的心,叫你欺哄圣灵,把田地的价银私自留下几分呢?
5:9 彼得说:“你们为什么同心试探主的灵呢?埋葬你丈夫之人的脚已到门口,他们也要把你抬出去。”
  充满---动词。  第一簡單過去   主動   直說語氣    第三人稱 單數
  欺哄---动词。第一簡單過去    關身形主動意 不定詞
  试探---动词。第一簡單過去 主動 不定詞
  如果,是过去式。就说明他们夫妻俩一直在 被撒旦充满(应验了神的预言。撒旦满足了他们的心。原文是应验。满足),一直欺骗神。一直同心合意试探神。这是不能得救的。
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    2022-02-12 23:30:30


    RIA Benchmarking Study Means


     In our recent webinar, we spoke with Lisa Salvi, vice president of Business Consulting and Education for Schwab Advisor Services, to discuss the findings of the 2020 RIA Benchmarking Study and highlight the factors underlying that growth.

    The Importance of a Strategic Plan

    Currently in its 14th year, the RIA Benchmarking Study is one of the leading studies in the industry and features findings from 1,010 advisory firms representing $1.1 trillion in AUM.

    Conducted between January and March of 2020, the study found that advisors started the year in a position of strength following the longest bull market in recent history. Surprisingly, many firms continued to see ongoing growth even during the worst periods of volatility in March.

    “Advisors are used to innovating... and I think that’s one of the things in this COVID world that has helped to set them up for success,” explains Salvi, emphasizing that a keen focus on client experience has made a crucial difference during a period of extreme uncertainty. “We saw people pivot their business model very rapidly and serve their clients extraordinarily well throughout this time period.”

    One of the biggest predictors of success for many firms has been a clear and actionable strategic plan. In fact, 75% of the top-performing firms in the study had these plans in place before the start of the pandemic and have been able to adapt to challenges more effectively as a result. According to Salvi, a comprehensive strategic plan should include a long-term vision, SWOT analysis, a purpose, and a value proposition. She also emphasizes that firms of all sizes can benefit from having one.


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    Persona Targeting Can Yield Significant Results


    To create those personas, firms need to take into account the demographic and psychographic characteristics of their ideal clients and understand what matters to those clients and what they value. For firms that are still in the early stages of growth, Salvi suggests that it’s okay to take on clients outside of those ideal personas, as long as there is some overlap with the key demographic they aim to serve.


    A focused business model that focuses on ideal client personas and a strategic plan can give your firm a clear sense of direction and a predictable growth trajectory. Best of all, it can help you navigate periods of volatility and still come out on top.


    2022-02-11 09:29:45
    2:6 这样的人,受了众人的责罚也就够了;
    2:7 倒不如赦免他,安慰他,免得他忧愁太过,甚至沉沦了。
    11:29 因为人吃喝,若不分辨是主的身体,就是吃喝自己的罪了。
    11:30 因此,在你们中间有好些软弱的与患病的,死的也不少(注:“死”原文作“睡”)。
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