摩西死后,约书亚开始带领以色列人攻入应许之地。耶利哥城是以色列人进入迦南必须先攻陷的城市,它非常坚固雄伟,易守难攻。 神晓谕约书亚,以色列人一切兵丁要围绕这城,一日围绕一次,六日都要这样行,第七日绕城七次,祭司吹角,百姓大声呼喊,耶利哥城墙就必塌陷。 这样的攻城方式实在是太非同一般了!虽然这样的方式可能令许多以色列人难以理解,但他们还是照着神的吩咐去做了。结果事情果然照着神的应许成就了,以色列人不费一兵一卒,不动一刀一枪就攻陷了坚固的耶利哥城。 以色列人攻破耶利哥城的经历,使我们学到许多的属灵功课。
首先,虽不明白,仍要带着信心遵行神的话。 神说:“天怎样高过地,照样,我的道路高过你们的道路;我的意念高过你们的意念。”(以赛亚书55:9)虽有时我们不明白神行事的方式,但仍需要凭着信心相信神的一切安排都是最好的。 神要以色列人连着六日都是这样行,是要他们每天都带着信心去行,并坚信第七日绕城必会取胜,因为神已经把耶利哥城赐给他们了。 神是要让百姓们明白,每天都可以安息在神的同在里,安息在神的应许和保护里。如果我们能够持续走在信心的道路上,属灵的新生命也会越来越成长,越来越有力量。相比之下,耶利哥人虽然藏在高大坚固的城墙后,却是胆战心惊,没有平安。
其次,有了神的话要坚持遵行。 神并没有让以色列人一日便把这城攻破了,而是要让他们在这七日中,每天都耐心等候神。绕城的前六日,也许像我们某些阶段的服事,日复一日地重复类似的事情,好像没有多少变化,也看不到明显的果效。 久而久之,要么是人渐渐地变得松懈,把服事变得形式化;要么是忽略了神的旨意,而去使用自己认为更好的方法去服事,因而逐渐失去了起初的热心和信心。 但如果我们每天都从神那里获取力量,持续遵行神的话,专心在神的计划中,调整自己的优先顺序,那么相信到了神所计划好的日子,这事必按照神的话语成就。到了那日,我们就会明白坚持和忍耐是极有意义的。
最后,得胜的秘诀不是在于“方法”,而是在于神。 当人获得一次成功之后,下一次遇到类似情况时,可能会惯性地复制上一次的方式来面对新的挑战。然而,在属灵争战中,得胜的关键在于倚靠神。 通过让以色列人绕城攻取耶利哥,而不是像以往攻取其它城池的打仗方式,神让我们看到祂行事的方式并非一成不变的,我们不能一味生硬地套用以往的成功经验去面对当前的问题。 得胜的秘诀不在于使用什么方式,而是在于是否遵照神的心意去行。人若完全顺服,坚定地跟从主,与神同工,就能看到神的荣耀,更深地去经历神的大能。
What Is a Class C Share
In comparison, a front-end load carries charges paid when the shares are bought and a back-end load assesses charges when the investor sells shares; and no-load funds contain no commission charges at all, with the fees simply calculated into the net asset value (NAV) of the fund.
Class-C mutual fund shares charge a level sales load set as fixed percentage assessed each year.
This can be contrasted with front-load shares that charge investors at time of purchase and back-end loads that charge at time of sale.
Because the annual fee can compound investor cost over time, this class of fund is best-suited for those looking to hold fund shares for periods of 3 years or less.
The Basics of Class C Shares
Compared to other mutual fund share classes, class C shares often have lower expense ratios than class B shares. However, they have higher expense ratios than class A shares. Expense ratios are the overall annual management costs of running a mutual fund. As a result, Class C shares may be a good option for investors with a relatively short-term horizon, who plan to keep the mutual fund for just a few years.
The ongoing charges that constitute the C-share level load are officially known as 12b-1 fees, named from a section of the Investment Company Act of 1940. Total 12b-1 fees are capped at 1% annually. In this 1% fee, distribution and marketing expenses can be up to 0.75%, while service fees max out at 0.25%. Although designated for marketing, the 12b-1 fee primarily serves to reward intermediaries who sell a fund's shares. In a sense, it's a commission paid by the investor to the mutual fund every year, instead of a transactional one
Other mutual fund share classes come with 12b-1 fees too but to different degrees. Those fees charged to class A shares usually are lower, compensating for the high upfront commissions this category pays. C-shares tend always to pay the maximum 1% and, since 12b-1 fees figure into the mutual fund's overall expense ratio, their presence can push that annual expense ratio above 2% for the class C-shareholder.
Unlike A-shares, class C shares do not have front-end loads, but they often carry small back-end loads, officially known as a contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC), just as class B shares carry. However, these loads for C shares are much smaller, typically only around 1%, and they usually vanish once the investor has held the mutual fund for a year.
Who Should Invest in Class C Shares?
Because of the back-end load charged on short-term redemptions, investors who plan to withdraw funds within a year may want to avoid C-shares. On the other hand, the higher ongoing expenses associated with C-shares make them a less-than-ideal option for long-term investors.
The differences in final values of investments with varying fees can be immense when held for a substantial period—say, in a retirement fund. For instance, take a $50,000 investment in a fund that returns 6% and charges annual operating fees of 2.25%, that is held for 30 years. The final amount the investor will receive will equal $145,093.83. A fund with the same amount invested and the same annual returns, but with yearly operating fees of 0.45% will offer the investor significantly more, with a final value of $250,832.55.
Class C shares would work best for investors planning to keep the fund for a limited, intermediate period, optimally more than one year but less than three. That way, you hold on long enough to avoid the CDSC, but not so long that the high expense ratio will take a major toll on the fund's overall return.